
Never Give Me Research Paper

Decent Essays

Doesn’t everyone need at least one piece of advice? It could be as little as something like using your brilliant little head, or just challenge yourself at anything that is complex. Everyone needs a light to follow and someone to help them in a certain way. If I could give anyone some advice, I would actually give it to myself in the future. I would tell myself to be magnificent in school, never give up, and don’t be a jerk to anyone. Without a doubt, I would certainly tell myself to do fantastic in school. I know for a fact that for about everyone in the world, they need to have good grades in school to have a happy, and entertaining life. If I ever wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer, then I would certainly have to do my best in school and study as hard as I can. If I didn’t care about school and didn’t even try to get grand grades, then there wouldn’t be a good chance that when I grow up to be a full-grown man, I won’t be happy and won’t be doing what I had always dreamed of doing. So even if someone isn’t that bright inside but tries to their maximum length, then they will for sure be living a delightful life with a family. …show more content…

Everyone needs to have hope in themselves, even when the chances are that a comet could fall right down on you when you are watering your plants. It is true that when someone just gives up and doesn’t believe, then they will just give up on everything and everything will just keep getting worse and worse. So if I just keep on trying to reach the top of the ladder, than I could become the next basketball star, or I could create a business better than Walmart. It is good in life to fail sometimes instead of just always succeeding, because that makes you tougher inside and keeps you from giving up and losing hope. Overall, it would make me a better human

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