
New Orleans Police Department – Recent Challenges. Problem

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New Orleans Police Department – Recent Challenges
Problem Statement Even before the disaster brought on by Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans Police Department had serious organizational and reporting issues. According to the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division (2011), several patterns were clearly discoverable in the organization, including the excessive use of force, under-reporting of internal issues, discriminatory policing, and the number of misconduct complaints were high. The issues that the Police Force faced for long years before 2005 were, however, only revealed after the flood receded, and an investigation into the internal affairs of the organization started. The below research will attempt to reveal …show more content…

Government intervention was needed, and an investigation had to be started. Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division, in a press release, focusing on the findings of the investigation, stated: “Our findings show that the problems facing the NOPD are wide ranging, systemic, and deeply rooted in the culture of the Department” (The United States Department of Justice, 2011). A sustainable reform was needed. The investigation report (United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, 2011) identified the main organizational deficiencies as the lack of clear policies, recruitment practices that failed to prioritize high-quality candidates, the lack of training and support provided for the members of the Force, the lack of supervision, and the Paid Details system. Further, there were several failings in the organization related to performance evaluation and promotions, complaint handling and investigation, adjudication, and NOPD lacked a vision of community oriented policing. The cross examination practices of the Police Force were likewise seen to be insufficient. Victim sensitivity was another issue that weighed on the New Orleans Police Department: people group were not included in policy making needs, and there was no connection with its occupants. As a result, people stopped trusting NOPD. Some of the complaints brought against New Orleans Police

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