
News Articles Summaries And Citations

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News Articles Summaries and Citations
Sub-Saharan Africa
Caroline Sullivan

Wal-Mart Makes Slow Progress Navigating Africa’s Challenges In 2010, Wal-Mart Stores Inc had invested into South Africa with $2.4 billion on a stake for the company Massmart. The company went into it fast without knowing too much of what to expect and their result was not well. Citizens were anticipating lower prices and cheaper goods and said that’s not what they received. Going into African retail is a very risky business for companies because not many have and those that have, very few have succeeded. The phrase “Africa Rising” was invented because it is thought to be the next booming place for retail companies even though the only big succession has been from the company Shoprite. In conclusion, after Wal-Mart’s mistake, companies are focusing on Europe and Asia where there are shopping malls and slowly working into Africa.

Unicef Report Describes Grim Trends for the Poorest Children Recent data collected by Unicef shows that children in Sub- Saharan Africa need more help. Unicef’s help was trying to stop poverty, hunger, child mortality, gender inequality, illiteracy, and environmental degradation has had the opposite effect as desired. If current trends continue, by 2030 68 million children under 5 will die mostly from preventable causes. Now Unicef is focusing on finding children who are the most vulnerable and helping them live as long as possible.

World Food Prices Fall Further in June

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