
Newsworthiness And White-Collar Crime

Decent Essays

Newsworthiness and its effect on white-collar crime depiction
The underrepresentation of white-collar crime in the news media is caused by lack of newsworthiness elements required by journalists to sell their stories. In 1977, Chibnall study of newsworthiness has highlighted the eight professional codes that govern the construction of news stories, these include of immediacy, dramatisation, personalisation, simplification, titillation, conventionalism, structured access and novelty (Chibnall 1977, 23; Kidd-Hewitt 1995,15). A challenge in the representation of white-collar crime is the newsworthy element of dramatisation. For instance, the news media’s inability to properly create ‘folk devils’ representation of white-collar criminals is due …show more content…

For instance, it has been argued that news media is primarily concerned with reporting on white-collar individuals or corporate defendants that readers or viewers will have heard of, such as celebrities or notable individuals in society (Jewkes 2004, 49; Levi 2006, 1044; Levi 2009, 60). This concern leads to the focus of agency in the portrayal of white-collar crime, rather than the depiction of the structural embeddedness of crime within the organisation culture. Moreover, past study has shown that majority of white-collar crime portrayal in the news media has focused on crimes of individuals and their punishment, in order to minimise the negative publicity of corporations (Benediktsson 2010, 2202-2203). The news coverage of white-collar crime has been selective (Stephenson-Burton 1995, 137), as seen in the higher coverage of white-collar crime stories involving well-known individuals. Therefore, the element of dramatisation is constructed through the ways individuals are represented in the media, by focusing on the lifestyle and wealth of the offenders, generated from the crime they

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