
Niccolo Machiavelli Was A Bridge From The Medieval To The Modern World

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The Renaissance spanned centuries, and, if one sifts through the changes of those centuries, he or she would find the reasons that the period is known as “a bridge from the medieval to the modern world.” Niccolò Machiavelli laid the groundwork for the removal of Christian morality, maybe all morality, from politics in his treatise The Prince, though few would admit to agreeing with his ideas for some time (Chabod). Early banks started to develop, notably in Italy and southern Germany. The abuses of the Catholic Church came under attack from humanists, both Italian and Northern, eventually leading to the Protestant Reformation and a loss of dignity that would never be recovered (Nauert). Society itself changed, as human accomplishments and capabilities came to be glorified over all else (Mirandola). The educational system changed drastically as new subjects became essential (The Intellectual Renaissance in Italy 3). New techniques in visual art emerged, allowing it to be used to depict the world. One of the most important innovations ever, the moveable type printing press, was created during the Renaissance. This immense change began in Italy due to the wealth it gained through trade with the Byzantines and Islamic world, which in turn had been possible because of the vast coastlines of the peninsula, but quickly spread over the Alps. The Renaissance was a bridge from the medieval to the modern world because it is in the Renaissance that one can first see the shift to the

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