
The Renaissance Prince Essay

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The Renaissance, a revival of antiquity starting in Italy around the middle of the 14th century, had broad implications for the way western society would operate thereafter. It would no longer focus on the church and its dictates, although they would still play a part. It would no longer have its government seated in Rome, with small pawns of the church controlling the land, although the church would still have a hand in government. It would no longer shun the vast stores of knowledge created in the past and ignored for a thousand years, although opponents would remain. The ideas of humanism, individualism, and secularism would come to play a role in society as they had in the past. Niccolo Machiavelli lived in a time when the …show more content…

This was the other way humanist learning was used. Machiavelli included such ancient personages as Hannibal, Scipio, Caesar, Chiron, and Virgil in order to support his arguments. [Say something specific about these guys; maybe include a quote of one]. In the Middle Ages, using the ancients for support was unheard of. The ancients had been scoffed at for their apparent paganism. Now, they had been returned to esteem, and were held to be the authority. Ancient authority, now established, would go unchallenged until the Scientific Revolution.

The Renaissance brought with it Freud's ego, and shunned Christian humility. People had been evil by nature and were required by the church, the crux of their religion, to live a pious and altruistic life in order to achieve the goal of salvation. Now, priorities shifted and ideals changed. Individualism had arisen, and man had the ability: "[Pico della Mirandola]." Individualism was a focus on the self. Now that this was true, people sought to gain as much as he or she could, for it would increase their standings amongst their fellows. People were no longer afraid to be unlike their neighbor. In the past, each person was the same, making a meager subsistence while maintaining absolute devotion to the Roman Catholic Church. Machiavelli demonstrated individualism in three important ways. Firstly, he put his name on The Prince. Authors of the Middle Ages, although few and far between, did not emphasize their

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