
Nice Guys

Decent Essays

Nice Guys Finish Last “Avarice, anger, pride, and stupidity commonly profit far beyond charity, modesty, justice, and thought…” This quote from the movie, A Man for All Seasons holds more truth than it may seem. In the movie a man named Thomas More is fighting government policies that don’t line up with his beliefs. He faces many trials throughout the story ending in his execution due to a false testimony by one of his old friends, Richard Rich. Rich begins as a nobody who is trying to find a good job and move up in the world. He does not begin to make any progress however until he ignores his own morals, beliefs, and good judgment in the decisions he makes. Many times in the movie Rich underwent negative moral changes that resulted in his improvement of life such as, when Rich begins to consider taking a job from Cromwell, when he begins his job, and when he gives a false testimony against Thomas. …show more content…

He wanted more than anything to get a job as a judge working for Thomas More. However, Thomas knew all too easily that he would have a difficult time refraining from taking bribes. He was lacking much in character, both he and Thomas knew that. Thomas told him to become a school teacher where his morals and character would not be tested, however Rich was not satisfied by this, he wanted more. So Rich considered a job with the wicked Cromwell, a man known for forgetting his morals to play the political game. If Rich were to take a job working for Cromwell he would be forced immediately to forgo his morals and beliefs in order to keep his job. After being given a final offer to work for Cromwell Rich asks Thomas one more time to give him a job saying, “help me.” This can be interpreted as if a way of asking once more for Thomas to save Rich from himself. While Rich tries very hard to keep from doing wrong he struggles tremendously and goes without a

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