Book Review
Night by Elie Wiesel was one of the best books I have ever read. Night is the story about Elie’s horrible time spent in Auschwitz and Buna the death camps. This story impacted me the most because all of this is real. Elie’s mother and sister were murdered as soon as they arrived. The story goes on telling his unimaginable experiences with his father in 1944 during the Holocaust.
The book opens with Elie’s life before him and his family were taken away. The story continues talking about how when they arrived in Auschwitz his mother and sister were taken to the crematorium with other women and children who were not strong enough to work in the camps. The only people left from Elie’s family were him and his father. Throughout the whole book Elie talks about how his father was his only motivation to keep going. When Elie’s father dies he contemplates to keep going or just to give in. In the end he is liberated and is freed.
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Elie was lucky to have lived through the death camps Auschwitz and Buna. Out of 11 million people 5 million were women and children and non-jews but 7 million were jews. Only about 70 people who were in Auschwitz came out alive. Night is told in such a way that even 45 years later I felt like I was right there with him throughout the whole book. If you are a person who wants to learn more about the Holocaust I couldn’t recommend Night enough. You will go on an adventure where your only concern was staying alive. Elie will never forget what happened and after you read this book you won’t either. In my opinion, the best part of night was in the end when he was liberated. This is the best part because throughout the whole book I thought in the back of my mind how can he survive in these conditions. When he was freed it gave me some relief because if he hadn’t survived the whole Wiesel family would've been wiped out, and there would be no one left to tell his
The novel “Night” was written by Elie Wiesel and is a memoir of his life during World War II. The book starts with his life living in Hungary with his family. It then tells of how they were taken away to concentration camps throughout the war. During Elie’s stays at the various camps you see the sacrifices he makes and how the experience changes him.
The novel Night by Elie Wiesel is a memoir about Wiesel's experience during the Holocaust. In the novel, it explains what Wiesel had to experience during the Holocaust. It also tells how much he had to endure and how much he lost over the course of his life in the camps. It also explains how his life and everything around him changed in one single night. In the novel, it tells clearly of everything Wiesel and the people around him lost.
The book Night by Elie Wiesel is about a teenage boy who lives through the holocaust. Before reading the book you need to know about the holocaust. The holocaust started in 1933 and ended in 1945. The holocaust is a genocide where 6 million Jews were killed by Nazis lead by Adolf Hitler. Hitler blamed the Jewish people for anything and everything. Hitler had the nazis take Jews to concentration camps. Families were broken apart and never seen their loved one again.
Night, is a wonderfully written memoir by Elie Wiesel. He survived the Holocaust and explains the horrid tragedies of the Jewish people. Unfortunately, because of Hitler wanting to annihilate the Jews, all were dehumanized and many of them were murdered. Wiesel explains how the Jews were on autopilot towards the end, their only goal was to fend for themselves. Elie wanted to make sure something this destructive never happened again, so, he felt it was his duty to record his experience since he was one of the lucky ones that survived.
Night is an book that is filled with many different stories throughout the story. During the holocaust the prisoners in the camps killed, lied, and stole from each other because in these camps everything goes to survive. Night By Elie Wiesel, involves many cases on the dehumanization of Elie, and his other prison mates. The dehumanization happens all throughout the book such as: The incident that Mrs. Schachter has, a boy and his father on a train is another , And Elie’s thoughts changing and becoming intense and crazy.
Night is a recollection of Elie Wiesel’s time spent during the holocaust. It is a gripping tale of survival and death. While it is a small book, it has a huge message. During the time in which the book takes place, the Jewish people were srtripped of their humanity. Elie and his fellow inmates at Auschwitz endure dehumanization throughout starvation and on the train to Buchenwald.
Night by Elie Wiesel is a memoir about a young jewish boy who was taken away by the Nazis and was put into a concentration camp. He was separated by his mom and sisters but he still had his father. By the end of the book his father gets really sick and dies inside a concentration camp. Memoirs are more effective than a regular history textbook because they make the reader feel what happened to the person in the memoir. Night is a good memoir because it shows how Ellie is so connected to his father ,Shlomo, throughout the book but at the end he dies, which makes the reader feel what Ellie was
Elie says: “I inched my way through the crowd, several SS men rushed to find me, creating such confusion that a number of people were able to switch over to the right-among them my father and I” (96). Here it is clear that Elie knew what he needed to do in that situation and became a brave and unselfish young man. Almost sacrificing himself to save his father and many others from the selection. After Elie has been imprisoned in camp for a while, he finds himself battling the hardships of being imprisoned in the Holocaust. After witnessing countless hangings, including a young boy, “The thousands of people who died daily in Auschwitz and Birkenau, in the crematoria, no longer troubled me” (62).
Night is a book written by Elie Wiesel. In this book Wiesel tells about his experiences in the Holocaust. Wiesel was only twelve years old when the Holocaust first affected him. Early on Wiesel was separated from his mother and sister. Him and his father were then moved from camp to camp having to endure harsh conditions. Together they both saw terrible things that they will never forget. Many conflicts in The Holocaust changed both Wiesel and his father. The two factors that affected Wiesel the most was him having to indirectly face the entire Nazi society and his believe and trust in God.
People have survived many situations throughout the years. Some of the these situations have been life threatening and some have not been that bad. These situations have left people wrenched, mortified, and distressed. Elie Wiesel in Night is innocent, desperate, and numb. Overall, Wiesel is left broken. Night was written by Elie Wiesel and the book is about his personal experience about being a victim of the Holocaust.
Night is a first-hand account of life for Elie Wiesel as a young Jewish teenage boy living in Hungary and eventually sent to Auschwitz with his family. The moment his family exits the cattle car the horror of Auschwitz sets in. His mother and sisters become separated from him and his father immediately, their fate sealed. Elie stays with his father and right away a stranger is giving them tips on how to survive and stay together. Immediately told to lie about their ages, making Elie a little older, and his father a little younger. This lie may have been the only chance they had to stay together, so they follow the stranger’s advice and pass by the first peril and housed together.
Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, a young Jewish boy, who tells of his experiences during the Holocaust. Elie is a deeply religious boy whose favorite activities are studying the Talmud and spending time at the Temple with his spiritual mentor, Moshe the Beadle. At an early age, Elie has a naive, yet strong faith in God. But this faith is tested when the Nazi's moves him from his small town.
Night by Elie Wiesel is about his experiences in the Nazi concentration camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1944 to 1945, at the height of the Holocaust and toward the end of the Second World War. It is
“The Holocaust was not only a Jewish tragedy but also a human tragedy,” (Wiesenthal). The Holocaust was all-around a dark patch in history. It was something that although it took a toll on lots of people throughout the world, and the Holocaust had the biggest impact for those being Jewish and living in Europe. There have been many films, movies, and books depicting life during the Holocaust. Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, who was a victim of the Holocaust growing up as a Jewish boy and has as a result gone to numerous concentration camps. In Night, he describes a time period of his life which revolved around the Holocaust. Where his family, identity, and innocence were lost in a very cruel way. Elie Wiesel through his use of tone
Elie remained in Auschwitz until April 5th, when the wheel of history was turned. America finally thought the lives of Jews was just as important as the ones living in their nation; but life did not get easy for Elie, "But now, I no longer pleaded for anything. I was no longer able to lament. On the contrary, I felt strong. I was the accuser, God the accused." Elie was placed in a hospital, very ill with death knocking on his door waiting for his arrival. "One day, I was able to get up, I decided to look at myself in the mirror on the opposite wall. I had not seen myself since the ghetto. From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me." Coming so far and then expecting death is a thought no one should ever have cross their mind. Even when free, the battle was still being fought. Those memories are forever in his mind. The corpse standing in front of him will haunt Elie throughout life. With freedom came confinement of all thoughts, sights of deaths and smells of burning flesh through those five years in a living hell for all