
Night, By Elie Wiesel

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“Hunger—thirst—fear—transport—selection—fire—chimney: these words all have intrinsic meaning, but in those times, they meant something else” (Wiesel ix). Years after he was liberated from the concentration camp at Buchenwald, Elie Wiesel wrote Night as a memoir of his life and experiences during the Holocaust, while a prisoner in the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Scholars often refer to the Holocaust as the “anti-world”. This anti-world is an inverted world governed by absurdity. The roles of those living in the anti-world are reversed and previous values and morals are no longer important. Elie Wiesel portrays four of the characters, in his memoir, Night, as prophetic figures, each with a new warning for the Jews. There are four main characteristics that make a person a prophetic figure. First, they always have a story or a tale they are trying to tell. Secondly, this story usually contains a warning of some kind. The perception of these individuals as mad by others in their community is the third characteristic; and isolation by their community as a result of this belief is the fourth characteristic. Throughout the story Eliezer struggles with his faith and belief in God. Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night, characterizes four prophetic figures to portray the distorted nature of the anti-world and to illustrate a constant questioning of God and faith by Eliezer. Introduced as Eliezer’s teacher, Moishe the Beadle, the first prophetic figure, appears

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