
Night Reflection

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In the memoir Night, Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel recounts his time of nearly a year in different concentration camps in 1944. He reflects on near death experiences, death of those close to him, and the straight up nauseating acts that were committed in these camps. These are all things he directly expresses in his writing, while recalling his change in his faith in God throughout the entire text. Through his experience in the concentration camp, Elie’s faith in the Lord and his will to continue to learn and study his religion is constantly changing. From the beginning of Night to Elie’s liberation, his religious zeal and his faith in his God is consistently challenged, as while as God’s position in his life is constantly changing due to the physical and mental torment he endures at Auschwitz, Gleiwitz, and Buchenwald. Elie grew up in the small town of Sighet, and by the time he was 13 years old he was constantly studying and conversing with the Lord. Most boy’s at this age were doing everything but that of Elie. “By day I studied Talmud and by night I would run to the synagogue to weep over the destruction of the Temple” ( Weisel 3). Elie was spending literally every second of his free time studying everything there was to the Jewish religion. Elie was so empowered by the Lord he even asked his father to help find a teacher so that he could learn more, to which his father replied with “One day I asked my father to find me a master who could guide me in my

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