

Decent Essays

“Nikki-Rosa” by Nikki Giovanni exemplifies how Blacks are looked upon within American society. White critics have a tendency to stereotype Blacks thinking they are all struggling and unhappy; however not every African-American is dealing with that or feels that way. What was interpreted from the poem “Nikki-Rosa” is that money does not equal happiness, understanding the socioeconomic class in American society, family bonds, and understanding someone’s life living in their shoes. This poem consists of thirty lines with no rhyming scheme and eliminates the usage of any punctuations which makes it sound like a run-on thought. “Black” is the only word capitalized throughout the entire poem which emphasizes the pride the writer has for being a Black person. The narrator wrote the poem in a conversational tone which tends to be personal and addressing it more towards a black audience. …show more content…

Line seventeen, I feel was targeted more towards white people because if a person of color was to tell a Caucasian that they lived a decent life they would look at them all thrilled as if it was impossible. If the narrator was to let one of the biographers write her life story, they would make sure to mention her “father’s drinking” (23) and her “parents’ fighting” (22) but disregard the closeness of her family. American society is so stereotypical towards all races and cultures. However, from the time frame “Nikki-Rosa” was written it is noticeable in the piece that there was a lot of racism and prejudice going on. The narrator was not bashful to let the audience know that she was not privileged, but was honored to share all that her family was blessed enough to be given. “Black love is Black Wealth and they’ll” (30) “probably talk about my hard childhood” (31) “and never understand that” (32) “all the while I was quite happy”

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