
Nineteen Eighty: The Three Pigs

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Once Upon a time in a forest far far away there lived 3 pigs and a mother. The pigs names where Ricky Nicki and Joseph. Joseph was the oldest one Nicki was the second oldest and Ricky was the youngest one. One day the mama Pig went to the grocery store to go and get some food and decoration for the house. Well as soon as she disappeared the 3 pigs seen that she had left some chores for them on the kitchen table. To them it was like the list never stop, it was like a bible full of chores. Ricky Nicki and Joseph decided the needed to move out. They were tired of following their moms rules and they are always getting tired of getting in trouble for not cleaning up. So Ricky Nicki And Joseph moved out far away from their mother's home.
When …show more content…

But instead of the mother being strict the wolfs mother was sick. The mother sent out a request to all of her wolfs and had said that whoever can find me a cure to this sickness I have developed may receive a reward for their hard work. All the wolf's then scattered out into the forest and has been searching for anyone who could help. Everyone in the forest knows that Ricky is the most intelligent out of all of them all combined. So the wolf though he should pay Ricky a visit. Well Meanwhile everyone is in there own house they are making dinner Joseph seen movement over by the bushes. He decided to build some type of contraption to defend himself against the wolf so as he was building the contraption the wolf walked up very politely and asked “if you were to be so kind and let me in i have a question to ask u if i may.” Said the …show more content…

The mother pig had heard what had happened as the wolf explained his situation. The mother pig understood clearly that all he wanted was just to cure his mother not to harm any of her children like she had thought in the beginning. She quickly turned at the pigs and gave them a whole lecture about how to let people in and be nice and also not to move out of the house just because of some chores. The mother pig later told Ricky to go and make the cure and give it to the wolf so that he could be on his way. Only moments later the cure was done and Ricki had gave it to the wolf and they all had said sorry to the wolf. Leading on the wolf successfully gave the cure to his mother and then wolf and the Pigs were no longer enemies but better the were

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