
Nitrogen, Carbon and Phosphorus Cycles Essay

Decent Essays

Nitrogen, Carbon and Phosphorus Cycles

The carbon cycle deals with the interaction of carbon between living organisms and the nonliving environment. This cycle is a process through which all carbon rotates. The main result of the carbon cycle is to serve as a great natural "recycler" of carbon atoms.
The cycle works in a very basic way. First, carbon is taken from carbon dioxide found in the air. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it, combined with water they get from the soil, to make substances they need for growth. The carbon is then mixed with water. Carbon dioxide is then formed into sugar (glucose). The process of photosynthesis incorporates the carbon atoms …show more content…

Carbon dioxide is very important in the atmosphere, however only in moderation. For centuries humans have been burning coal, oil, and fossil fuels therefore releasing tons of carbon into the air. The problem with this is that this can cause a problem known as global warming. This is a major climate problem, which has series results on people and the environment. The result on people can be very deadly. Too much carbon in the air can cause cancer.

The nitrogen cycle is extremely important. This is because of the importance of nitrogen itself. Nitrogen is a basic element of life. It also makes up 78 percent of the Earth's atmosphere. It forms an essential part of amino acids (which make up proteins) and DNA. Nitrogen is essential for all living cells. The nitrogen cycle consists of 5 steps. First the basic element nitrogen in converted to ammonia. This process is called nitrogen fixation. This process is done by nitrogen fixing bacteria. Then the ammonia gets converted to nitrate. This process, called nitrification, is done by soil bacteria. Assimilation is the third step. Here the ammonia and the nitrate are absorbed by plants. Ammonification converts the nitrogen into ammonia. This process is done by ammonifying bacteria. The final step is denitrification. Here the nitrate is converted back to nitrogen. Denitrifying bacteria aid in this process.
Like all other elements, nitrogen is very important in life but in moderation. We sometimes cause an overload

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