
Levi Castle: The Carbon Cycle

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The Carbon Cycle Levi Castle The Carbon Cycle is an important key to maintaining all the life on earth alive. The Carbon Cycle happens between all living things, so they all play a major role in it. It is the second most abundant element that makes up living things. Carbon affects the atmosphere throughout the years because the carbon has to travel to and from the living things. The Carbon Cycle is the series of processes by which carbon compounds are interconverted in the environment, chiefly involving the incorporation of carbon dioxide into living tissue by photosynthesis and its return to the atmosphere through respiration, the decay of dead organisms, and the burning of fossil fuels. First, plants are a great place to start off …show more content…

I mean most of the things that we have now that put all of the carbon in the air like cars and factories, we did not have 200 years ago. Almost everything that was manufactured in that time was done by hand. The way people traveled back then has also changed in a huge way. Back then people rode around on horseback or in a wagon rather than just getting into their vehicle and driving like the way we do now. If you did not have the luxury of a horse and a wagon back then the only thing left to do is walk if you wanted to go somewhere. Those were what most people had to do. As far as emitting carbon emissions when people traveled by horseback is when they had to stop for the horse to do his/her business or when the horse had traveled his/her last mile and died. Also, another option for travel 200 years ago people had trains to use, but they were mostly for the wealthy. The trains did produce carbon emissions because most of them were steam powered. In order to produce the steam needed to power these massive locomotives the water that was put into their water tanks had to be boiled. To do this the engineer would build a fire in the firebox of the train to boil the water. Most of the time the fire was built with coal, which is a fossil fuel and produces a significant amount of carbon emissions when burned, or wood, which also puts off several hydrocarbons when burned. In the day we live in now, we have so many more ways of transportation and manufacturing things that produce much greater of amount of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Now instead of climbing on a horse or in a wagon, we climb into the cab of a car or truck and drive to where we are going. We still have horses, but they are used a lot less that 200 years ago because I mean which would you rather do, go to the barn and saddle up your horse before you could go somewhere or would you rather just get into a vehicle, start

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