
No Excuses By Kyle Maynard

Decent Essays

Could you live your life without making an excuse? Maybe you could go a day, a week, a month maybe, but your whole life? Well, Kyle Maynard describes in his book, No Excuses, the struggle of how he learned to lead a full life while being born with arms that end at his elbows and legs that end at his knees and never made an excuse. There were many moments in Kyle’s life through his middle school and high school career as both a football player and a wrestler where he could’ve said, “Well, I do have almost no arms and no legs, coach,” However, Kyle Maynard never once used this excuse for a reason that he didn’t make the tackle, or got beaten in wrestling, but instead used his mistakes and losses as a guideline on how to improve himself. Several …show more content…

But only the strong will rise again, brush themselves off, and move on to conquer and win” (70). Here, Kyle tells about his middle school experience with football. He is elated when he makes the team, but soon saddened on his dreams of being on the starting lineup. Since his coaches only put him in the game when they, the Collins Hill Eagles, were winning by a large margin and can easily still pull out a victory even after giving up a few points, Kyle had very little playing time, and had to prove himself to the coaches on every down. Because he works better on all fours instead of trying to run with shortened legs, he is forced to make every tackle by ramming into the opponent’s legs, knocking them off balance. He describes how each time his face mask smashed against someone’s legs, he could feel his neck rattle under the pressure. He goes on to explain that his neck could’ve easily been broken with any tackle, but wasn’t and instead held strong. Kyle was disappointed to realize his dreams of being a star quarterback were unrealistic, but learns an important life lesson. The quote explicates how he felt with this experience. Frankly, he felt knocked down, but with his “No Excuses” attitude, he realizes he needs to get up brush himself off, and continue to play at his fullest instead of staying knocked down or making an

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