
No Fault Divorce On Equal Footing

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No fault divorce has allowed women and men (and more recently, same sex couples) the option to end their marriage simply because they no longer want to be married. However, this presents new legal questions which need to be answered. The courts must determine alimony, or spousal support. After a marriage, one spouse might need to support the other based on length of the marriage, difference in incomes or lost earning potential. However, determining a fair way to allocate alimony is an important issues to ensure both partners come out of the marriage on equal footing. Establishing new guidelines for alimony is critical to ensuring that there is equality at the end of a marriage. Marriage in our country is changing along with our culture and society. Obergefell v Hodges opened marriage to people of all sexual orientations, allowing all to marry who they wish, regardless of sex. Additionally, the amount of people who are married is declining. In 2013, just half of American adults were married, compared to 72% in 1960 (Pew). Since our society as a whole has been reconsidering marriage, we should also consider how marriages end and what factors should be considered when distributing assets, alimony and child support. Right now, trial courts are allowed discretion in determining alimony and the factors considered vary wildly across all fifty states (Rhode 2014; 76-77). This means there is no guarantee for women or men seeking support. This issue impacts women in particular,

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