
North Carolina: The General Fund And K-12 Education Appropriations.

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North Carolina: The General Fund and K-12 Education Appropriations North Carolina’s General Fund revenues have shown an increase since the 2009 recession. Profits have increase about 3.3% on average each year (North Carolina Office of State Budget, 2016). According to the North Carolina General Assembly the enacted General Fund Budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year totals $21,919,468,078. Of this over $21 billion dollar budget about $12 billion is earmark by lawmakers for education. K-12 public education has been allocated $8,419,444,621 for the 2016-2017 school year (North Carolina Office of State Budget, 2016). Below is a breakdown of North Carolina’s tax revenue sources that make up the General Fund Budget and an analysis of the current …show more content…

Either method is an appropriate way to generate funds, although one might consider raising taxes in areas such as alcohol and tobacco to allow for cuts to income and sales tax. Alcohol and tobacco are considered to be a health hazards if over consumption is involved, therefore raising taxes for these products should be considered appropriate. Also, it might be suitable for the state of North Carolina to raise sales tax a bit more and lower income taxes to produce funds from taxes that are considered more equitable across the state. Overall, North Carolina’s current tax setup is producing steady revenues for the state, and showing a gradual gain each fiscal year since the recession.
Equity and Adequacy Fixes: Ohio and New Jersey When determining equity and adequacy fixes for funding public schools in New Jersey and Ohio a framework for assessing must be determined. Starting with equity, both states have a history of litigation that determines the educational objects for the framework. Since the mid-90’s to this decade the most influential New Jersey court decisions are the Abbott v. Burke decisions. The New Jersey Supreme Court ordered the state to bring per-pupil revenues in the low-income Abbott districts up to the per-pupil expenditures of successful suburban districts (National Education Access Network, 2016). In Ohio the DeRolph v. State

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