
Northouse Gender Differences

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Despite the fact that Northouse (2016) offers many reasons why gender should not matter in leadership, it does still matter. Eagly & Johnson and van Engen & Willemsen (as cited by Northouse, 2016) state that “one robust gender difference found across settings is that women led in more democratic, or participative manner than men” (p. 402). Female leaders have also been shown to use more adaptive and transformational leadership styles, but Ayman, Korabik, and Morris (as cited by Northouse, 2016) point out that male subordinates still devalue these female leaders despite the fact that their leadership style predicts effectiveness (p. 402). Eagly, Karau, and Makhijani (as cited by Northouse, 2016) conducted a study that showed women to be just …show more content…

Deaux, Kite, and Heilman (as cited by Northouse, 2016) state that “men are stereotyped with agentic characteristics such as confidence, assertiveness, independence, rationality, and decisiveness, whereas women are stereotyped with communal characteristics such as concern for others, sensitivity, warmth, helpfulness, and nurturance” (p. 404). On a personal level, I am still surprised to see that Belkin, Craig, and Pailhe & Solaz (as cited by Northouse, 2016) found that “women continue to do the majority of the child care responsibilities and household chores (p. 400). This not only has a huge effect on the choices women make in their careers, but it still serves as a reminder of the views that males still maintain towards women and the “antiquated workplace norms” women face (Northouse, 2016, p. 400). This struck a personal note with me because I have had many conversations with coworkers, both peers and followers, whose husbands still have the view that the wife takes care of the household while the husband provides for the family with work and does not handle domestic duties. I have friends that do not change dirty diapers because that is their wife’s job (again on a personal note, I could not imagine how this would have gone over with my wife if I had told her that). These views may have been true decades ago when the male worked and the woman stayed home to keep up the household and take care of family, but that is obviously not the case anymore since these conversations I am having are with working wives and mothers. However, until these societal views are changed, gender will matter in women attaining leadership roles, and how women handle and are perceived in leadership

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