
Norwich University-Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

The morning of arrival day started out as any other day. Woke up, ate breakfast, and then entered the car to go to the designated destination of the day. The destination that morning just happened to be Norwich University, over one thousand miles away from home. A slight breeze rustled the light green leaves on the trees as my parents and I drove towards the university from a hotel we stayed in the night before. The area around campus could take someone’s breath away. Moving to Vermont from Florida is a big change. I would see palm trees and over grown aloe plants everywhere, and now I am able to see an abundance of different species of trees and plants. Florida is primarily flat, with exception of an occasional hill. The horizon would be comprised of roadways and houses whereas here one cannot even see the horizon because of the dense wooded areas and mountains. …show more content…

Being someone whom lives off of a strict time management schedule I proceeded to the next activity at least twenty minutes before it started. If I believe that I am going to be late to something I become an anxious mess. If I am late I would have to awkwardly walk into an area full of people whom I do not know and try to not have anyone notice, this would not be acceptable. To keep it short, I am always really early to everything. Precisely at 2:10 I said goodbye to my parents and moved onto the next activity. There is a point where you finally realize that this is actually happening and you are actually moving away from your family and friends for good; that moment for me was at 2:11. Walking away from your parents, surrounded by people that you don’t know, it can be quite emotional. You just need to keep your head up, take a couple deep breaths, and continue on with your day. There is no turning back

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