
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

When I think of a life extremely fulfilled, I think of traveling the world. As a little girl, however, I could not imagine even traveling outside of the United States. My life was flipped upside down when I found out that my dad was offered a four year job in Japan. Even though I was only in the fifth grade, I was completely content with my life. I had everything I needed, I was friends with everyone, and I was not willing to leave New York and give up all my friendships that had grown over the past five years. My initial view of Japan was far different from what I had thought it was going to be. Although the city in itself was beautiful, it was completely different from was I was used to back in New York. I was used to my big house and open yard, but now I was living in a house one-third of the size and only the local playground as my backyard. The people were different and we quickly had to learn the customs like eating with chopsticks and respectively bowing as a sign of thanks. My first day of school was the biggest shock of all; the children were the complete opposite of what I had dealt with for the past five years. There were people from all around the world with so many different languages, religions and opinions that it was hard to keep track. I quickly became …show more content…

I had experienced so much and been through adversities like the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, that I thought I had already experienced my share of struggles. I thought I had grown to my fullest potential and that Japan had really changed me for the better. I expected people to constantly question me on my experiences, that when I got to my new school the last thing on my mind was that anyone would hate me. For the first few months of being in a new environment I was hated and made fun of for something that I believed was interesting and unique. It damaged my confidence and I never spoke of my time in Japan to

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