
Not To Vaccinate Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate
Public health is controversial in many cases because it requires balancing individual freedom and the greater good of society. Vaccinations can eliminate communicable diseases, but can be difficult to impose vaccinations upon individuals because of their sense of liberty. In this debate, there are those that support mandatory vaccinations to promote the health and wellbeing of the entire population and those that oppose mandatory vaccinations to protect themselves from any potential side effects. This controversy must be handled delicately by public health workers.
To Vaccinate Vaccinations have been created to prevent outbreaks of communicable diseases. When everyone, or even just a majority of the population, receives the vaccine, a phenomenon occurs called herd immunity. Herd immunity protects both the individuals who received the vaccine and those that could not: infants, elderly, HIV patients, and those with weakened or compromised immune systems (“Mandatory School Vaccinations: The Role of Tort Law”). Vaccinations are a preventative measure, in that, they prevent the disease and the economic burden of treating the disease. Vaccinations have proven to be the most cost effective way to care for society. Maintaining herd immunity lowers expenses to the government, health …show more content…

Individuals, especially in the United States, believe that they should have the liberty to decide what happens to their body and whether they will accept a vaccination. For some individuals, it is better for their health to avoid vaccinations. In most states, exemptions to the mandatory vaccine laws are granted if a person can provide an acknowledgement from their physician that they have a condition such that vaccinations would endanger their health (Welborn). One often overlooked reason for abstaining from certain vaccinations is an allergy to any of the ingredients in the

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