
Notes On American Sign Language

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American Sign Language
American Sign Language is language that is predominantly spoken and used by all ages who may be deaf or communicating with someone who is deaf. It has lingua franca language, and many use it as a second language. We use a variation of sign language each day, for example our body language or hand gestures. When we are trying to explain something or imply how we feel we move and have expressions. Sign Language uses those emphasis of gestures to imply importance, emotion, and passion. The intricacy of sign language looks complicated but that’s only because it isn’t majority’s first language, which in turn is a foreign language to me. The ability to have everyday conversation in ASL is just the same as how English is orally spoken. According to National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders the English language and American Sign language is extraordinarily different but it is able to inhibit its’ own rules for grammar, phonology, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics. There is also proper word order based on verb and subject. I was really interested in learning more about ASL due to the complexity of signs and meanings relating to sign language, learning the key characteristics and fundamentals of ASL including the different grammar involved in ASL.

Brief History
Sign Language dates back to the earliest 1500’s in Italy. In 1600’s, manuscripts and books of early sign language begin to emerge. By the late 1700’s a French Priest,

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