
Nothing Can Be Perceived and One Should Not Assent to Anything

Decent Essays

1. There are two statement made by academicians which we decided to argue against to the best of your ability: (a) nothing can be perceived; (b) one should not assent to anything.
Please critically assess the academicians’ assertion to the effect that nothing can be perceived and one should not assent to anything.
 Before answering the essay question, I would like to introduce Augustine and the new academy” academicians” (Plato’s successors). Augustine is a philosopher and theologian that was born in 13 November 354 and his first language is Latin. He was famous with writings that influenced a lot of people and helped in developing the western Christianity and philosophy. However, in the east his teaching was not accepted at all. In addition, at age of 11, he started his educational path at madaurus and at the age of 17, he continued his education in a Carthage where he started his education in rhetoric. Furthermore, He was well recognized as Saint Augustine and was viewed as the father of western church. Augustin most recognizable work and still read and appreciated till now are city of god and confession. Augustine first vision into nature happened when he and his friends stole some fruits from the neighbor’s garden. Finally, He died in 28 August 430, so he lived seventy five years old.
Moving to some of the new academy history, Plato originated the academy in 387 BC in Athens and one of its unique students is Aristotle. Aristotle stayed and studied for about twenty

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