
Nozick 's Theory Of Equality And Equality

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When talking about Rawls, Nozick, and Walzer, three political philosophers in their own right, each has a theory regarding one 's freedoms and equality. In each one 's assumptions they conclude differently as to what a just or fair government should look like. Rawls ' theory when discussing freedom and equality falls into two principles of justice, of which follow the “veil of ignorance” which is to say that everyone is unknown to their unique differences like ethnicity, sex, personal convictions and the like. Everything, according to Rawls, should be equal for everyone in an ideal society. With Nozick, his response mainly bounces off Rawls ' claim of equality and comes to his own line of principles as well. Nozick 's assumptions are that inequalities are fine so as much that rights are not being violated. Nozick wants inequalities because those are what makes a balance in society, also people are entitled to things that fall into three principles. Walzer points to spheres of justice in his assumptions, in which each sphere, being economical, political, social, educational and so forth, has their own space and the people should look to keep them from intervening with each other. Walzer uses dominance to show what can occur should one sphere connect with another, where one person with high standings in, say, an educational sphere shouldn 't have, albeit it sometimes happens, a beneficial effect in the political sphere. Walzer also comes up with some three principles that, as

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