
Rawls ' Justice As Fairness

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Rawls’ Justice as Fairness: John Rawls was dissatisfied with the traditional philosophical approach to justifying social and political actions therefore he attempted to provide a reasonable theory of social justice through a contract theory approach. In his work, A Theory of Justice, Rawls bases almost the entirety of his piece on the question, what kind of organization of society would rational persons choose if they were in an initial position of independence and equality and setting up a system of cooperation (A Theory of Justice-enotes)? From this seemingly simple question, Rawls goes into further detail describing what he believes society would and should do when setting up a fair and just organizational structure. Throughout his …show more content…

The veil allows for equality and ensures that no advantaged nor disadvantaged individual will be swayed to decide a certain way on a principle due to their natural and social biases in society. One example given in Rawls’ work deals with two men; one man is wealthy while the other man is poor. As the topic of tax and reform comes up, the wealthy man pleads his case and denounces the tax and welfare system that was in place solely because he did not want his riches taken from him. On the other hand, the poor man pleaded his side of the discussion, fully supporting the tax and welfare system in place, stating that the system is completely just and necessary, therefore causing a split conclusion on the principle due to differences in characteristic bias. Therefore, to solve this difference, Rawls created the notion of the veil of ignorance which gives neither the wealthy man nor the poor man prior knowledge to their financial status (or any other natural/social statuses) allowing the overall greater equality for society to be exposed. John Rawls then turns to his justice principles, arguing that the parties in the Original Position would adopt two such principles, which would structure the theoretical organization. The first and most important principle is the Liberty Principle. The

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