
Nt1310 Unit 5 Lab Questions

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Governing of equations includes the equations related to first law of thermodynamics for steady flow processes within a control volume with multiple inlets and outlets. It can be expressed through the mass and energy rate balance equations. The mass balance equation for each component of the power plant is presented in Eq. 1. where m ̇ is the mass flow rate and the subscripts in and out refer to the inlet and outlet, respectively. Energy balance equation (First law of thermodynamics) for each component of the power plant is presented in Eq. 2.
When the environment is in equilibrium, it has a minimum potential energy (mgz) and a zero speed (v=0), so kinetic and potential energy changes are omitted and it reduced to Eq. 3. where Q ̇ is the heat transfer rate to the control volume, W ̇ is the work given out per unit time and h is the enthalpy. Exergy balance equation (second law of thermodynamics) for each part of the power plant is presented with Eq. 4. where e is the specific exergy and E ̇_D is the exergy loss rate.E ̇_Q and W ̇are the exergy rates due to the heat input and mechanical energy, respectively.E ̇_Q is defined as Eq. 5. where T is the absolute temperature and the subscripts j and o refer to …show more content…

In refueling process, with mean period of 1-year, a third of the fuel assemblies are replaced with fresh ones. The fuel reload is conducted before the starting up of the power plant. Consequently, the nuclear reactor could be assumed as a steady system in its operating periods. Nevertheless, in this study for simplicity of the analysis, it is assumed that thermal energy generates at a constant and steady rate from the fission reaction of the fuel. The generated fission energy, En, can be approximated by the following equations [24,4]. In Eq. 17, the k is the Boltzmann constant that is the gas constant R divided by the Avogadro

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