
Nt1310 Unit 7 Exercise 1

Decent Essays

“The particles in the pulse travel from one place to another.” This sentence is wrong about the propagation of a pulse because particles do not travel in a pulse. They just stay in one place moving up and down and interact with each other. Because the particles are moving, energy are transferred through the medium from one place to another.
-“The wavelength is 0.20 s.” This is wrong because wavelength’s unit is meter and it measures the distance between two adjacent locations in the disturbance, not the time one particle takes to finish one vibration.
-“The wave continues to travel for 0.20 s before stopping.” This sentence is wrong because period does not measure the time the medium takes to stop moving. Period is the measure of the time one particle takes to complete one vibration and start to repeat it again. We do not know if one particle will stop after one vibration.
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It does not indicate the longitudinal speed of the wave or the speed of one particle (vibrational speed). We cannot have the transverse speed of the particles since they do not move transversally.
-“The wave disturbance travels 300 m for each wavelength.” The speed of the wave does not determine how long the wave disturbance travels for each wavelength. We do not have enough information to determine that.
-“The wave continues to travel for 4.0 m before stopping.” This sentence is wrong because we do not know if the wave will stop after it travelled for 4.0 m. The wave can continues moving after 4.0 m and the wavelength measures the distance between two adjacent locations in the disturbance.
-“The period of the wave is 4.0 m.” This sentence is wrong because period’s unit is second(s) or minute(s), etc. Period does not measure distance, it measures the time one particle takes to complete one vibration so it cannot be in meter.

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