
Number Three-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

I’m at three to the third and to speak in a word,
I’ve lived.
I’ve had three in my one and I think that I’m done,
I’ve loved.
I’ve had one out of three and there’s still more for me,
I’ve worked.
I’d like three to the third with one more to make four, live and love with my work, nothing more.
I’m at one equal part with two more yet to start, maybe thirty time three if there’s heart.

We are months between three, and in years, add square three, we are born. You’re at two times square three, times one more and that’s me, we’ve begun. By your seven and three, three would multiply me, we are free.
We’ll be different square three, and there’s just you and me, live and love, multiply and be free.
Cubing three times …show more content…

I have sung. Zero power for me is the one with all three. I have helped.
Operations of time, fusing distance with line and a word in a square two times three.
Leading players to play with my square three to love, living distance, our measure of time.



Tis a while ago he started learning of his plans.
Tis a while ago he started searching through the sand.
His heart had lost a love he’d known.
Now it’s a sadness, greatly grown, and sinking where he stands.

His dreams have all been cuckolded.
His schemes have buckled down his youth.
He’s lost direction. Where’s he going?
Perhaps he’ll catch an “out brief light”.

To screw his courage ‘til it sticks, erasing dam’ed spots---
And wherefore art thou roams his life, inside his maddening brain.
To be himself or not to be a lonely lover ‘til he dies, his lover’s kerchief’s long been seized.
He’s had no one, no where to cry.

Come back sweet love. Come back fair game. His kingdom’s horse has died unborn.
His flesh to flesh n’er gained a pound. A dusty strength has left him torn.

So, Out! - he says - Brief candle, Out! “I’ve lived too long, so long, no

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