
Nursing Career Research Paper

Decent Essays

“People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” (Angelou). A career the world literally can’t live without. The world needs these reliable, loving, skilled, and dedicated individuals. On average they attend to twenty people a day all with different health problems. Hospitals, home care, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, and many more places depend on nurses. The nursing career field opens many doors to work. Depending on what career chosen they all come with different requirements. Some careers might require more or less education than others and a variety of skills could be along with on the job training. Nursing takes someone who is truly dedicated to their job. Nurses always need to look for a way to comfort someone and have compassion for helping others. They should have patients and the desire to better others.
Although emergency nurses make more than a registered nurse, Emergency nurse have a lower job outlook. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “registered nurses have a twenty percent job outlook while emergency nurses only have a nineteen percent job outlook,” (Job). Although this isn’t a significant difference job outlook is important to look at when considering your career choice. This nursing position unlike others is fast paced. …show more content…

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “veterinarian’s job outlook is only twelve percent while registered nurse’s job outlook is twenty percent,” (Job). Vets take care of patients like nurses. Nurses take care of humans while vet take care of various types of animals. They also have to have many of the same skills like patients, love, and care. Also like nurses vets take care of many different types of patients all with different needs. According to Vet Business, “vets see an average of 20 animals a day all with different needs,”

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