
Nursing Fatigue And Patient Safety

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Nursing Fatigue and Patient Safety
Fatigue, is the state of one being energy deprived to carry out proper activities of daily life (Rogers, 2008). It certainly is evident within the health care system in regards to nursing and how it affects a nurse physically, mentally, and emotionally (Canadian Nurses Association, 2012). This can negatively impact the quality of patient care, as judgment is impaired, increasing risk of injuries to the patient (Scott, Arslanian-Engoren, & Engoren, 2014). This paper will discuss the impact of nursing fatigue on patient care, level of power, policy cycle, barriers to resolution to the issue, potential strategies that can be implemented to promote patient safety, and nursing stance on the topic discussed throughout.
Health Impact Patient safety is among one of the top priorities associated with nursing as a profession. One of the common factors that contribute to fatigue is sleep (Rogers, 2008). According to Rogers (2008), it is shown that nurses have the inability to be efficiently productive with inadequate sleeping habits. This ultimately results in an inability to provide safe, competent care, as nurses are over worked, thus triples the chance of making an error (Rogers, 2008). Greater chances of making errors are most likely to occur when a nurse works past 8.5 hours (Rogers, Hwang, Scott, Aiken, & Dinges, 2004). With inadequate rest and risk of burning out, medication errors and needle stick injuries are most likely to occur,

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