As always, this week’s reading and activities are very enlightening, but more than than, it has re-awakened my consciousness to examine how I use my experience to understand and become involved in broader social and political issues affecting nursing (Black, 2014). After reading through chapter fifteen, I had to sit back and do a self appraisal on what steps I had taken since I became a registered nurse in an effort to effect a change or improve the nursing profession. To my surprise, I realized that I am not as politically aware as I have perceived myself and this explains my low score on the political astuteness activity. Nevertheless, the materials helped me see what steps to take in order to create self political awareness and actively participate in issues bordering on the nursing profession.
While it is a good thing to be politically aware of issues affecting the nursing profession and actively participate to bring about changes, I do believe there is time for everything. A nursing student is more concerned about gaining the necessary nursing skills and graduating from school. To that end, the individual may not be channeling his/her efforts and resources to making the changes in the nursing profession. Likewise, an entry level nurse who had just graduated
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The material showed that more nurses join the specialty nursing organization than the general nursing organization. When an individual specializes on a particular discipline in nursing that is that person’s area of interest and it makes sense to join that specialty organization because it would fully the individual’s interest. If I become a cardiovascular nurse, joining a cardiovascular nurses’ organization will serve my interest best than a general nursing. Of course, becoming a member to both organizations is possible, but my active participation will be fully directed to the specialty
Political awareness refers to sensitivity to public policy and government and an awareness of any possible agenda that could be driving politicians. In order for nursing to advance as a profession, nurses need to broaden their socio-political knowledge by speaking out on issues, influencing legislation, and participating in policy-making boards and councils. By becoming involved and politically aware, nurses can help face societies major issues. Consequently, political awareness is essential for the advocacy of the profession (Marquis & Huston, 2015).
This essay will demonstrate my reflective abilities within an episode of care in which I have been involved with during my practice placement. It will discuss several issues binding nursing practice with issues of ethics and the model of reflection which provided me with a good structure and which I found most appropriate, is Gibbs model (Gibbs 1988). This particular model incorporates - description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and the action plan.
Nurses are the first to deal with patients such as, the aging population in the clinical or community setting, so they are well qualified to give expert testimony on health care reform. Before nurses can take a stance and gain a voice in the political arena, they must take on a new hat as an “advocate.” They can start their journey as a patient advocate by joining an association like The American Nurses Association (ANA). Associations like the ANA can mentor nurses venturing into the profession of patient advocacy; in addition to mentoring, the nursing associations can offer legislative days, policy internships, and conduct policy workshops to educate nurses on how to positively affect the legislation and policies at the state or federal level on health care
Who better to help discover research and help implement changes to healthcare issues than the nurse on a working level. I understand the uncertainty that nurses feel when having to advocate change as our textbook and other sources have reported, Education about policy, advocacy, politics should be initiated during the education process in the nursing schools, if this occurs the graduating nurse is very comfortable with the policy and politics policy and she will make a difference. This process should be consistently addressed in the work place. (Milstesd 2016). The Future of Nursing Report by the IOM states that “Nurses should be full partners redesigning health care. I strongly agreed with this statement, how many times has a new policy or change has been implemented that wasn’t beneficial for patient or you as the nurse. When nurses seek out to identify problems or issues of concern, take an active political role, to make a difference in the policy making process, we will finally see real change occur in health
After utilizing the Political Astuteness Inventory (Yoder-Wise, 2011, p. 184), I found that my political astuteness score is 21, which indicates that I have “beginning political astuteness/self-interest to political sophistication” (Yoder-Wise, 2011, p. 184). I’ve been a member of the American Nurses Association (ANA) ever since I graduated nursing school in 2010; however, I’ve never attended any national or state convention, primarily because of my time availability and monetary funding. Nonetheless, I’m cognizant of the latest news and issues on nursing and health in general through my subscriptions to American Nurse Today, ANA SmartBrief, ANA Government Affairs, and The Pelican News. I believe that to expand my awareness and bolster my influence,
Great job, I enjoyed reading your discussion. Your opening statement “Examine the political process, its influence on nursing practice, and strategies to foster political action by advanced practice nurses”; it is so true. I believe nurses needs to be aware of and involved in health policy development. Nurses constitute the largest health care workforce in the United States and it is projected to grown 19 percent by the year 2022 (Shariff, 2014).
There are three major organizations in nursing that have made great impacts on the way nurses guide and represent their profession. One of the organizations is the American Nurses Association (ANA) whose mission statement is “nurses advancing our profession to improve health for all” and their philosophy is committed to ensure that there are an adequate supply of “high-skilled and well-educated nurses is available” (ANA, 2014). The ANA helps to advance the nursing profession through fostering high standards, the promotion of the general welfare of nursing professionals in the workplace, projecting a positive as well as realistic view of nursing practices, and lobbying within Congress about health care issues that affect both nurses and the general public (ANA, 2014). The ANA is primarily responsible for restructuring healthcare through legislature and lobbying on both state and national levels (ANA, 2014).
The roles of the advance practice nurse (APN) in health policy today, are vast. APNs tend to have a deeper understanding of how current health policies directly effects their role in healthcare and their patients. In a research article by Primomo and Björling (2013), it was found that education is a key factor in influencing nurses to become politically involved in healthcare politics. Due to differences in curriculum, nurses without an advanced degrees have less exposure to the political involvement of healthcare workers.
In reading through various journal articles on the subject, I see how important it is for nurses to get involved in the political process. Nurses can sometimes get so focused on their job of taking care of their patients, that they fail to get involved with political matters. Nurses are great at advocating for their patients but many of them are just not prepared to voice their concerns publicly about staffing and funding shortages and also for patient’s safety (O'Connor, 2014). Nurses do have a lot of potential in contributing to the political process by participating in professional nursing organizations or through policy committees in the workplace. “To be successful
The chosen public policy issue is the ongoing effort within nursing to advance the field through taking action. In this case, action takes four distinct activities: advocacy, policy, learning as a lifelong process and involvement in philanthropy. This action can be applied through community-based participatory research which is a research partnership seeking the involvement of all members of the community. Under this approach, all participants contribute their knowledge to the process in an effort to better the quality of life in that community members (Israel et al., 2008). It is because there are so many under-served populations and in under-serving these populations nursing fails to live up to its professional and this is a policy change that must be made. This issue of public policy, that is, the issue of the prevalence of under-served populations which clearly requires changing, and the role that nursing can play in this public policy process is discussed at length in Burkhardt and Nathaniel (2013).
The health care system is in trouble and according to Abood (2007), in need of immediate change. As a nurse myself, I acknowledge that some legislations compromise the quality of health care delivery by nurses and success rate of patients due to burnout. It is important for me to be an advocator for my fellow nurses and health care providers and to the best of my ability work to amend these legislations. Abood (2007), argued that “successful policy advocacy depends on having the power, the will, the time, and the energy, along with the political skills needed to ‘play the game’ in the legislative arena”. I will discuss the different ways I would persuade a legislator to work towards better nursing laws.
Nurses have a strong say in what direction their profession is headed. More nurses are filling leadership roles in the healthcare profession every year. No one plays a more critical role in developing the capacity and capability for professional advocacy than do nursing educators who model advocacy behaviors in both education and practice standards. (Tomajan, 2013) Nursing educators seize the opportunity to apply their leadership skills and help create a better image of nursing, by creating nurses who apply their knowledge to everyday activities, which results in a better patient experience and a less
The initiative to pursue the nursing profession to its highest degree (DNP) is to broaden my cognitive and practical
I currently am not enrolled or a part of any nursing organization. To improve my nursing practice I now feel that being a member of the American Nurses Association (ANA) is a wise choice. The ANA provides an environment for nurses to learn from one another and are advocates for change. Information provided by the ANA is all aimed at improving the quality of health care.
Nursing as a discipline has set forward an explicit desire to serve the public and it is the service and commitment to the individual and overall wellbeing of our society that drives and directs the study and practice of nurses, educators and nurse scholars (Smith & Parker, 2010).