
O Brother Where Art Thou Analysis

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O Brother, Where Art Thou? Film Review The modern film O Brother, Where Art Thou? had a very similar plot to the classic the Odyssey by Homer. The differences between the two are reflective of the relative the time periods. The film is about a group of three criminals, Ulysses Everett McGill, Pete Hogwallop, and Delmar O’Donnel who together escaped a chain gang. The self spoken leader, Ulysses Everett McGill encourages Pete and Delmar to come with him to find his hidden treasure. After meeting many unique characters and the police along their journey, Pete and Delmar find out that Everett lied about the treasure and tricked them into escaping with him. I thought it was funny how a lot of encounters, like with the blind man driving the handcar, …show more content…

The only way that Penny could get back together with Everett is if he can find her original ring. If the group can’t find it, however, she will marry her new suitor, Vernon T. Waldrip. Everett knows where the ring should be, and this is where he told Pete and Delmar where the hidden treasure ought to be. The men are about to be hung, when a freak flood comes rolling through the valley where they are standing. Ulysses finds the ring on a floating table, and goes back to show Penny. She states that it isn’t the right ring, but she doesn’t know where the original one is either. And, with that, the movie ends with Ulysses and Penny arguing. The journey that Ulysses, Pete, and Delmar face, follows the same type of theme that Odysseus and his crew face in the Odyssey. It is an epic adventure and the three men meet many characters along the way that seem to try to stop them from continuing. Interactions with the police are re-occuring throughout the film. Also, the men are stopped by many side characters like Big Dan the bible salesman, Baby Face Nelson, and the singing women at the

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