
O Brother, Where Art Thou

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O Brother, Where Art Thou is an American film written by the Ethan and Joel Coen as a tribute to the Odyssey by Homer. While largely based on the work of Homer the Coen brothers took liberties to fit American audience with American values. In short, the Coen brothers created an American Odyssey filled with the highlights of the core values to American Culture, while paying tribute to the original source by rewriting some of the core obstacles from the Odyssey so, they would fit into the story of O Brother, Where Art Thou. This includes the sirens, the group of beautiful women that sing songs that lead men to their deaths. Cyclopes a sub human race who live on an island letting the world pass them by. The topic of discussion for this …show more content…

Volunteerism is shown by the old man not gaining anything from helping the trio nor does he ask for anything in return.
In the escape from the farmhouse scene, the trio makes it to Pete’s cousins’ house, where they hope they can spend the night with out incident. Only to have their host hand them over to the police for the reward money place on them for escaping from prison. At first, Pete does not believe it was his cousin that sold them out, believing that you do not betray your family. Then Pete’s cousin says to them “I have to look out for my own”. This leads to an enraged Pete to refer to him as “Judas”, for betraying him and his friends. This scene describes the concept of goodness of humanity in American culture by showing the opposite of what it means. The goodness of humanity is almost uniquely American as compared to older societies, in that Americans mostly assume that people are national good rather than evil. When the company and Pete first escape from prison Pete trusted his cousin to keep them safe because they are family and breaking that trust would be wrong. But when the cousin of Pete breaks that bond of trust, Pete is outraged that he did it, however, he is even more outraged at what Everett did. He stole a pocket watch that while he claims to have stolen it because they were betrayed; Pete, on the other hand, claims that is not the

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