
Obama Persuasive Speech

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First of all, you have no idea how people voted. I voted for Obama for the Hope and Change that I thought was so desperately needed after Bush. Well, that was a loss because Mr. Obama has taken what was bad and made it worse. Plus, many people voted for Obama only because he was black so stop with the bullshit racist reasons of why you think people hate his policies. Obama has divided our country by sex, by race, by gender, by race, by religious beliefs, by RACE! The fact that there are plenty of black police, judges, politicians, doctors, lawyers, professors, etc shows the country has not tried to keep the black person down. You wanna keep talking about race? Fine! Not only that, but Obama DIVIDED this country by race. How he pulled the race card when that Micheal Brown thug got shot by a police officer when he tried to steal his gun. He slandered police officers saying they are being predatory against blacks. But yet I still see black thugs breaking the law and being shot because they still try to put up a fight with police officers. What about those riots? The BLM (which is a racist and domestic …show more content…

Obama had done nothing for the black communities in this country. I dare you, walk down the street in a high volume black area and see how safe you feel. It's disgusting that the number of black on black crimes is overlooked by the black population. Then they start putting their thug children on posters and say it's the fault of the police. Obama cries at his farewell speech, but walks out laughing to go golfing after an American was beheaded. He pulled the troops out of Iraq even though he was warned it would leave a huge hole for terrorists to assemble. He called ISIS the JV team, and won't even call them ISIS, he refers to them as ISIL so it's not associated with Syria. And you know why right? Because it's his fault that Syria is in such a mess and refugees are searching for shelter and

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