
Obesity : Causes And Effects

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Obesity has been a topic of debate for decades. The prevalence of obesity in children in the United States has continued to rise, and there is still much debate on whether one thing or another causes obese effects. According to a Micro simulation analysis, one in three children in the US between ages 2 and 19 were obese between 2009 and 2010 (Kristensen, 2014). Support has been shown that these numbers have only been increasing, as researchers have uncovered more about how childhood obesity manifests itself in our youth. As with many disease processes, obesity is of multifactorial origin. Genetics, social manipulation, and environmental factors such as diet and upbringing are all delegated to being causes of obesity. As environmental factors become habits in young children, genetics carries the weight of problems that children will have later in life, including type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and behavioral problems, just to name a few outcomes (Porth, 2011). It is important to understand the cause and effects of childhood obesity, and implicate how childhood obesity is a multifactorial disease. Obesity is an excess in body fat, characterized by enlarged fat cells and higher than normal BMI. The CDC currently states that a child is overweight if the child’s BMI “is at or above the 85th percentile and lower than the 95th percentile of other children who exhibit the same age and gender (CDC, 2014)”. A child is obese if their BMI “is at or above the 95th

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