
Obesity In America

Decent Essays

“Did you know that the average weight of an American has increased twenty-four pounds since 1960?” (Stewart). Obesity is a growing issue in America and the government and society want to have a say in this issue. The government can not stop a person from becoming obese. In order to understand why the government and society is too involved in obesity, one needs to understand the physical and emotional effects society has on America, and how media affects views on obesity, and the government controlling food portions in schools. Society has an effect on American’s emotionally and physically. Over the years, society has set an example of how people should look. There is not a set size people should be. A lot of girls believe they are too fat because they look at supermodels and they are extremely skinny. For example, many girls are afraid to go in front of large crowds to perform or present because they believe they are not skinny enough. …show more content…

Obesity has increased a lot over the years and health problems have not gotten any better. “... [T]he average person has increased 24 pounds since 1960” (Stewart ). The government has a reason to be concerned and worries about our obesity rates raising. Society likes to include themselves in every problem America has, and since obesity is a growing problem in America it is understandable why society wants others to be healthy. Even though it is understandable why the government wants to be involved, society and the government is too involved in the growing issue of obesity. The government cannot have a say in how someone wants to live their life. “A New Jersey woman, who now tips the scale at 604 pounds, said it’s be a “fantasy” to gobble her way to fame and someday weight 1,000 pounds” (Li). The government cannot control how people want to live their lives whether it be healthy or

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