
Obesity In America Research Paper

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Are Americans becoming too overweight? Should the government have some sort of say in our diet? There is a multifarious number of obese and overweight people in the United States. We are becoming an unhealthy society and ending up with several diseases linking to obesity. More than 2 in 3 adults are premeditated to be overweight or obese. More than 1 in 20 adults are expressed to have extreme obesity (overweight np.). This clearly shows us, being Americans, have no self-control whatsoever on the food we eat and how we take manage our bodies. We need any help we can get. So, I believe the government should have a say in our diet considering we cannot control ourselves. Obesity has done nothing but increase. More than 2 in 3 adults are examined …show more content…

Obesity causes type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a main health risk caused by obesity. It’s caused by changes in multiple organs and hormones in the body. Over time, these changes lead to high sugar levels. These higher sugar levels, in turn, produce type 2 diabetes (what np.). Heart disease is another root of obesity. As your body mass increases, so does your risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is a condition in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply blood to your heart. Plaque can narrow or block the coronary arteries and slow down blood flow to the heart muscle. This can cause a heart attack. This can also lead to heart failure (Gibbons np.). High blood pressure is another problem of obesity. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays high it can damage the body in numerous ways. Your chances of having high blood pressure are greater if you're overweight or obese (Gibbons np.). In closing, being overweight can cause tons of different diseases. The government should help us control ourselves so we can be a healthier society and so we don’t have to keep dying considering we're too overweight and …show more content…

By this I am trying to say, people have to pay for health care as a result of being unhealthily obese. Obesity remains one of the biggest threats to the health of our children and our country, contributing to more than $147 billion to $210 billion dollars in preventable health care spending (obesity np.). Being overweight costs so much money per individual per year. An obese individual in the U.S. costs $4,879 for women and $2,646 for men each year. As body mass index (BMI) increases, so does spending on doctor visits, procedures, and medications (Dykman np.). The bigger the number on the scale, the greater your health-care costs, according to a new Duke University study. According to the study of Drake students: A person has to pay for heart disease problems ($640) and buying cardiovascular drugs cost $225 per year. Musculoskeletal conditions ($715) and diabetes ($167) and insulin ($364). As a person’s BMI increases to a point of being overweight or obese, all of these problems can add up and cause a person an extreme amount of money (Kuzma np.). In closing, why would you be obese? You’re going to do nothing but lose money and become broke. I know I wouldn’t like to be obese and broke. Being obese costs so much money. The costs of everything increases and in turn, money is drastically

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