
Obesity : Obesity And Obesity

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Obesity in our society continues to grow at an alarming rate. America is the richest country but has the largest population of obese people in the world. “Nearly 36.5% of American’s are obese (Adult Obesity Facts).” It is important to note that obesity is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of “30% or more” (The Socioeconomic Causes of Obesity). People become obese over times for many reasons like feeling there is less of a need to exercise and eat healthy. There are also more fast food selections, which lead to bad eating habits and so on. This causal argument will cover the topic of obesity, why it is important and how it has become major issue in America today. Obesity in America is due to many factors that include: lack of …show more content…

Another factor that leads to weight gain and obesity is lack of exercise and energy balance. Contrary to popular belief, calories alone are not what always cause weight gain but rather the lack of exercise. Keeping an active and healthy lifestyle is essential in maintaining a healthy weight. There are also other things that lead to a healthy lifestyle like lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancers. In order to ensure that a person is maintaining a healthy energy balance, there must an equal amount of calories in and out of the body. In other words, whatever amount of calories that are consumed that day, there must be an equal amount of exercise to burn off those calories. Simple activities like going for a walk, run, bike, swim or a group exercise class can greatly reduce the risk of obesity. A lot of people in America spend their free time on the couch or watching a movie or sleeping. This is also causing obesity in children because kids are playing video games and watching TV in their free time instead of getting the proper exercise. Changing this unhealthy habit to exercising during free time can greatly reduce the risk of obesity. Some people might argue that they do not have time to exercise during the day. In order to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, exercise needs to be a priority. If something becomes a top priority, it usually gets done. Instead of waking up and

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