
Observation : Goals, Goals And Goals In Childhood And Life

Decent Essays

“Everyday is a new day, and you will never be able to find happiness if you do not move on,” is a quote given by Carrie Underwood in her speech during a music awards show. As a child, do we expect to grow into the person we are today? For example, in our early stages, we never expect to become a lawyer when as a child we dreamed of becoming an astronaut. This shows how much we change over time regardless of our goals and dreams as a child. Furthermore other experiences disregarding our main goals, such as high school, work, or even experiences at home. Thus regardless of what hobbies we want as a child, the likeliness of following our dreams as a child is infrequent. These observations will present people of older age comparing their …show more content…

Simply, he nodded and said that he received more than what he originally had intended for. Furthermore, we asked Sonja Birkeland about her childhood and life in high school. As a child, Sonja and her siblings were spoiled by her parents.As a small child, Sonja always loved pets and wanted to become a veterinarian. Despite how naive she was, Sonja’s childhood was relatively calm and without trouble. While attending high school, Sonja made great friends with other students, teachers, and other staff at her school. Even though Sonja never received the best grades, she graduated from her high school and continued her schooling at a college in Alaska. After a few years attending college in Alaska, she met her husband Gary. Thus after their first interaction with each other, their relationship continued, and then they married each other. Concluding their marriage, they moved back to South Dakota, where they had three children. These three children were named Ramon, Kelly, and Jay Birkeland and were introduced to the family. While Sonja was in Alaska, she worked at a King Crab Canary for a year and a half before she quit to focus on school. Once back in South Dakota, Sonja continued work for other local businesses in town until she retired. In summary, we asked Sonja whether or not she was happy with who she was today compared with the life she wanted as a child. Ordinarily,

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