
Observation Of Grandmother's High School

Satisfactory Essays

Reporter stated the following: This information was given to me. They (McKenzie and Wes) were at the grandmother’s house (Judy Weeks). Judy is Wes’s paternal grandmother. Judy was not there. I know Wes, McKenzie and the older sister was there. They were watching a movie in the living room. Wes asked to lay behind McKenzie on the couch. She (McKenzie) fell asleep. When she woke up his hand was in her shorts. He was rubbing her butt crack. He put his hand down the front of her shorts and she put it out. She went in the closet and called her mom but I do not know what the mom said. Wes went in the bathroom and stayed in there for awhile. This happened recent. From my knowledge it happened within the last few days. I do not know if this has happened

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