
Tucker Vs Newnew Case Study

Decent Essays

Per Reporter: Kyneligh and Tucker were asked on 10-8-17; have someone pulled down their panties. Tucker stated that: " I don't wear panties I wear underwear." Kyneligh said " No" fast. Tucker stated that: "Junior puts his finger in my butt hole. Tucker had a rash around his butt. Tucker has blotter spot. Brooke did take Tucker to the doctor. The doctor prescribed Tucker with a steriod shot. Tucker has this about two to three time. The reporter then asked Kyneligh is someone told you; you not to tell, or they will do something to you. Kyneligh stated that: "Yes." Junior puts her finger in my newnew (vagina). Junior told me if I tell someone he would hurt Brook." The reporter stated that: "After Kyneligh and Tucker told her this she did not …show more content…

Brook did take Kyneligh to the doctor for a wellness checkup for school. Kyneligh would tell me her newnew was hurting; then the reporter would put some vaseline on it. Not knowing this was going on with Kyneligh. Tucker has been complaining his butts been hurting for a month. When Tucker was doing number two (having a bowel movement); Tucker hollered MaMa my butt hurt, put some vaseline on it. Kyneligh and Tucker's baby sister (Karsynn's) lip on her vagina is twice the size for her age in my opinion. The reporter stated that:" She knows she is not a medical doctor." Karsynn does not like to wipe front and back when she dodo (have a bowel movement). Karsynn does not want me to touch her. Both of Tucker and Karsynn's ears are purple. It appeared like someone pulled Tucker and Karsynn's ears. Tucker's has two quarters size bruises on his cheek. Tucker's has a bruise on his face. Brooks was asked about Tucker's bruises. Brooks stated that: "Tucker fell out of the bed." Tucker's hands were burns at home. Brooke stated that: "She is teaching the children to watch their hands after using the restroom. Tucker fell off the stool; while turning on the water. Tucker got back on the stool to

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