
Obsession For Land In The Field, By John B. Kean

Decent Essays

“The Field” is a story written by John B. Kean based on Irish historical events and culture in 1965. At that period of time, Ireland was enduring the British powers’ attempts to conquer Irish territory. The most important, valuable, and symbolic asset that an Irish citizen could own was land. Throughout the story, the author emphasizes how important it was for an Irish farmer to own land. In the story, the obsession for land generates a contest between the poor Irish farmer, Bull McCabe, and a rich British businessman by the name of William. Bull has an immense knowledge in the field of agriculture, as stated in the story; he transformed a rocky four acres land into a precious and green land. After five years of hard work, Bull could see all …show more content…

Bull wasn’t conformed by William’s plan in using the field for industrial purposes. He was especially angered by having all his efforts to establish a well maintained piece of land go to waste. He illustrates his anger by saying, “Tis a sin to cover grass and clover with concrete” (59). He denied the chance of seeing all his work going worthless and the land destroyed by concrete. He stresses his disapproval of William’s intents by saying, “Now this robber comes from nowhere and he’s nothing less than a robber” (59). He couldn’t accept the fact that a stranger would own a land that he had put so much effort in. William Dee wasn’t an awful man; however he didn’t give any credibility to Bull. He was capable of buying a better land far away from the village but he gave an excuse that his wife was from Bull’s village and she wanted to live there. Finally, Bull never had the intention of killing William. His intention was only to frighten him in order to make him give up from buying the land. Indeed, Bull wasn’t the one who killed William but, his son Tadgh, who beat him to death. Most people in the bar witnessed Bull planning to frighten William. Bull said, “…he must be given a fright and a fright he’s goin’ to get” (59). William knew that Bull would do the impossible to stop him from buying the land. Even after Bull had advised him to not visit

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