
Obstacles In Hercules: Gender Stereotypes

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Media presents men who appear to have great physical strength with a combination of other masculine ideals. By showing characters with huge gleaming muscles as almost flawless. People who are easily influenced could adopt the thought of men who have absurdly big muscles are the ideal man. Young girls in particular could get the concept of a muscular man as a perfect man. Some young girls who are now young women are already influenced by this when trying to find a good man. While on the other side of the coin, you have men who appear to have a brilliant mind in a movie having a sum of flaws that makes them appear as unideal. The way muscular men and brilliant men are represented in media, such as Hercules (2014) and the Old Spice advertisement has an effect on future generations. …show more content…

These include killing mythical creatures deemed to be legendary creatures that were impossible to slay. While we find out later in the movie Iolaus has created these stories to put fear in all of Hercules enemies. With this legend that surrounds Hercules, he goes about the land as a mercenary killing any enemy that someone will pay him to remove. He does not go alone though as the myth that surrounds him may present. He has four skilled warriors who help him on his quests and his nephew Iolaus whom builds the legend of Hercules around the group. The group then is called on by Lord Cotys of Thrace to defeat warlord Rheseus. Lord Cotys tells Hercules that Rheseus is invading his lands and will surely destroy everything. Hercules leads Lord Cotys army into Rheseus’s lands and destroy his army and slay Rheseus. Hercules realizes that Lord Cotys has tricked him into defeating Rheseus so that he could conquer all of Greece. Hercules and his band of warriors defeat Lord Cotys and restores freedom for Greek

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