
Odysseus As A Greek Hero In James Joyce's Ulysses

Decent Essays

In Joyce’s story Ulysses, Joyce’s hero is no Greek hero like Odysseus but rather a hero getting through life in the world of reality. The book has had its issues with being published because of its endless amount of sexual, cruel and unbearable moments, religious conflicts and language along with shallow characters. For example, the chapter called Nausicaa parallels to Odysseus looking on Nausicaa and her maids washing their clothes by the river but unlike what occurred in the Odyssey, Bloom’s approach was entirely different. Among the women he was spying on, he was more focused on a woman named Gerty MacDowell. She was deep in thought of a boyfriend Reggie Wylie who never showed up and she felt like she was unwanted. She looked on noticed a hidden Bloom masturbating, which led her to adjust her seating and move around “her wellturned ankle” (Joyce 350) to show off her legs. The scene was perverted toward women but it made her more wanted.
Bernard McKenna’s reference book on Joyce’s story suggests that Bloom is at a point of his life where he is unsure of what to do especially when he talks about his daughter Milly being away and about his dead son Rudy. when it came to the situation of his wife Molly and her affair with Blazes Boylan. Throughout the story, he is out on the streets on Dublin Ireland and he is wandering around; taking part in various conversations with different people: friends and a number of women, along with taking part in a funeral, going to various

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