
Odysseus Comparison

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The Character that represents Odysseus is Gerard Butler. Gerard Butler is in a movie called 300 it’s basically like The Odyssey. They are in a similar way because they are both on the same journey and they both fight off things/people like the Troy War in The Odyssey and then in 300 they take the same journey they fight until they are all dead or until they don’t have any problems. Gerard Butler is similar to Odysseus because they both have the same characteristics and they both take journey’s and the similar comparison is that Odysseus leaves for the war in Troy and it was called the trojan war and the war was similar expect the names and the name is 300 and they have the similar act because they both fight. The both comparison is that both of them take a journey and find their way back home. Like Odysseus is gone for 10 years and Leonidas is gone for years to. The war between both of them was bloody and they killed off mostly everyone. …show more content…

The kings are King Odysseus and King Leonidas. Both of them have pride and loyalty. Also together they are both strong and not scared of anything and they both fought off a Gigantic monster and when odysseus fought the cyclops he stab him in the eye and then leonidas kills off the big monster he chops off the head and grabs it and shows it to everyone. In the movie 300 King Leonidas fights in a war and then in the book “The Odyssey” they get into a war and they get set off. Before the war they both have kids and both the mother has the child before leaving the

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