
Odysseus Leadership Qualities

Decent Essays

The Odyssey Although all his men died, Odysseus prove himself to be a successful leader because of how much he cares about his men. What are the qualities of a successful, effective leader? In the mythical book, The Odyssey, by Homer, Odysseus, the main character proves himself to have all the qualities of a successful leader. Throughout book 9, 10, 11, and 12, Odysseus shows a lot of care for his men. Each trial brings new problems, yet he continues to encourage them throughout it all. A successful leader shows care for, and encourages their followers. A great leader is skilled and has respect for everyone. A leader with no passion or care is a poor leader because they would give up easily. Although none of his men made it, Odysseus proves …show more content…

He says to his crew before they land, “Old shipmates, friends, the rest of you stand by; I’ll make the crossing in my own ship, with my own company... For they may be wild savages, and lawless” (150). He care so much about his men that he is willing to travel to unknown places before any of his men go and check it out before him. Some may interpret this as being selfish because he just wants to go first and check it out but he commands that he goes to see it if it is safe before any other men venture out …show more content…

“Man the oars and pull till your hearts break if you would put this butchery behind” (169). He's trying to protect his men from the danger of the Laistraygons. He wants the best for his men and he wants them to be safe. People may argue that he's just trying to protect himself but without his crew where would he be? His crew wouldn't be anywhere without him either because they depend on each other. He wouldn't be able to go anywhere because he depends on them too. In book nine, the episode of the Kikones, after they storm the place he's trying to get them back to protection. “but on the spot I told them: Back! And Quickly! Out to sea again” (146). He wants to keep them safe, he doesn’t want them to die. They depend on each other. He thinks of his crew as family and he wants to protect them danger. Some may argue that Odysseus just wants to save himself from harm, but he actually really cares for his men and it is his duty to bring them back home to their

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