
Odysseus Motivation

Decent Essays

The Odyssey is an epic by the ancient Greek poet Homer that tells the story of Odysseus’s journey to get back to his home on Ithaca after the Trojan War. Odysseus’s main goal is to return home with his crew on their ship. Odysseus loses everything after he couldn't control his crew and himself. Odysseus has to face many challenges to get home. In the story, Odysseus was sometimes at the point where it seemed like all hope was lost and nothing was possible. Love is what keeps Odysseus from giving up on his goal even when it seems impossible. The love of Odysseus’s home, family, and crew is what keeps him motivated throughout the poem. Odysseus’s love for his home is a passionate love that motivates him in the poem. All Odysseus wants in this story is to be able …show more content…

When Odysseus left for the Trojan War, he had to leave his wife Penelope, his son Telemachus, and his parents. Odysseus has a very strong bond with his wife that could never be broken. Penelope and Odysseus are both clever, courageous, and loyal. Even though Odysseus met some women that loved him on his journey, he always stayed faithful to Penelope. Penelope also stayed faithful to Odysseus even though there were 118 men living in her home for many years. Odysseus missed having the young years with his wife which Penelope calls the prime years of their life. Odysseus also missed his son’s whole childhood. He had to leave for the war shortly after Telemachus was born, and then he returns and Telemachus is a young adult. Odysseus has a very emotional reaction to seeing his son, “Held back too long, the tears ran down his cheeks as he embraced his son” (1034-1035). Odysseus never wanted to leave his family in the first place, so coming back after twenty years was very sentimental for him. When Odysseus gets to be with his family again, he is finally content with his life because they are most important to

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