
Odyssey 'The Journey to Find Oneself'

Decent Essays

The Journey to Find Oneself “You must not cling to your boyhood any longer- It’s time you were a man.” (I: 341-42). The Odyssey is not only a story of the great Odysseus, but also a story of a young boy who finally gets to take a journey to find his inner self. Everyone goes through a stage in life where they feel lost, however, what differentiates people are the people who make changes verses the people who blame others for there misfortunes. Telemachus, Odysseus’ son, is a young boy going through this problem. Since he never had the father figure in his life, he blames that for his failures of never growing up or taking power. “ He could almost see his magnificent father, here… in the mind’s eye- if only he might drop from the …show more content…

However, does Telemachus really feel this great confidence he portrays in his voice, or is he only acting this way in front of Mentes? He does show some intelligence when he thinks that Mentes might actually be Athena. However, after he speaks at the assembly in front of the whole town and suitors, we see that in fact Telemachus isn’t as confident as he tries to be.
“Dear god, hear me! Yesterday you came to my house, you told me to ship out on the misty sea and learn if father, gone so long, is every coming home. . . Look how my countrymen- the suitors most of all, the pernicious bullies- foil each move I make.”(II: 293-99).
When he is not speaking in front of the men and to himself he is still unsure of everything and wanting the help of the Gods. He is not yet fully confident in himself, especially not confident enough to take on the role of his father. Telemachus doesn’t show that he is ready or if he even really wants to embark on this trip. Luckily, Athena always had wise words in motivating Telemachus back into gaining his confidence. Telemachus stands up to the suitors one last time saying,
“But now that I’m full-grown and can hear the truth, from others, absorb it too- now, yes, that the anger seethes inside me . . . I’ll stop at nothing to hurl destruction at your heads, whether I go to Pylos or sit tight here at home. But the

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