
Oedipus Tragic Flaw Essay

Decent Essays

What is a tragic flaw? Western religion tries to answer this with the seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, wrath, sloth, greed, envy, and pride. However, all of these traits can be found in everyone to a certain degree. So does Oedipus poses a tragic flaw? Certainly, in a catholic point of view, but does it cause Oedipus’ demise? In the case of Oedipus his downfall was brought not only by his flaw but by the flaws of others. From examining the work as a whole it is clear that Oedipus’ tragic flaw helps the audience connect to Oedipus and brings forth the theme “The limits of free will.” Throughout the playwright Oedipus displays two tragic flaws, wrath and pride. The most prominent of which is pride. This is shown when Oedipus speaks with Tiresias and boasts how he was the one who saved the city from the Sphinx. The other flaw wrath is displayed when he kills the group of travelers, who turned out to be Laius his blood father and his servants, that were harassing him. In addition, wrath is displayed again in unison with pride when Oedipus threaten to kill Creon for conspiring against him. As a result of these flaws Oedipus ends up fulfilling the prophecy given to him by the oracle at delphi. This effectively argues that Oedipus could have avoided his …show more content…

Surely, Oedipus himself right? Maybe, but in reality his foster parents had a greater impact in the downfall of Oedipus. Oedipus like any other human fell subject to his emotions and the only way to avoid such a reaction one needs to use reason to analyze the situation; however, when Oedipus needed knowledge most he was ignorant because his parents refrained from telling him the truth about his conception. Oedipus’ foster parents can be said to have displayed sloth as their flaw since they kept putting aside the task of telling Oedipus the truth. As a result, Oedipus ended up acting rashly which ultimately leads to his

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