
Offender Typology

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Every offender perpetrates offenses based on their own purposes. Everyone has a reason on why they do the things they do. However, some individuals are worse than others, which is why they can’t all receive the same depth of punishment. There seems to be a lack of knowledge about offenders, which makes it very complicated for the criminal justice system to categorize them. In regards of the criminal justice system, the system cannot respond to all crimes with a one size fits all approach. Some offenders perpetrate harsher offenses that cannot be compared with a simple offense committed by another individual. This is one of the reasons and the main reason, on why typologies were created and introduced into the criminal justice system. A typology is a system of classifying people into various types in order to gain a greater understanding of the individuals. People need to understand and identify the characteristics of offenders in order to prevent other individuals from becoming offenders. One of the benefits of classifying these offenders, is that it helps provide treatment for them. Not only it helps provide treatment, it also helps identify the type of treatment that certain offenders need in order to …show more content…

This later on, revolved around the idea of a fundamental classification scheme created by the researchers Groth, Hobson, and Gary. (Terry, 2014, pg.105). This idea was known as the fixated-regressed typologies, which focused on the abuser and their basis of psychological needs. In this classification scheme, fixated referred to the offender exhibiting persistent and continual attraction of children. These offenders tend to show emotional and psychological characteristics of children. Those offenders who are labeled are regressed, have a primary attraction to agemates. This means that it is a temporary departure from their attractions to

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